Quarterly Planner Check-In: Keeping Your Goals on Track

Quarterly Planner Check-In: Keeping Your Goals on Track

If you're anything like me, you've probably experienced the satisfaction of setting up a brand new planner, complete with color-coded pens, motivational stickers, and ambitious goals. There's a sense of excitement that comes with the promise of a well-organized life ahead.

But let's be real – life doesn't always go according to plan, does it? That's where the magic of regular planner check-ins comes into play. 

Today, I want to chat with you about the importance of those quarterly planner check-ins and how they can help you stay on track, adapt to life's curveballs, and keep your planner game strong.

Why Quarterly Check-ins Matter

Life is dynamic, and our goals and priorities can shift faster than we expect. What seemed like a top priority in January might take a backseat in April. That's why it's crucial to pause and reflect on our plans every few months. 

Here's why these check-ins are a game-changer:


A quarterly check-in allows you to review what you've accomplished so far. Celebrate your wins, big or small, and acknowledge the progress you've made. It's a great confidence booster!

Here are some tips for assessing your progress:

  • Set clear goals at the beginning of each quarter.

  • Track your progress throughout the quarter.

  • Review your progress at the end of the quarter.

  • Celebrate your wins and acknowledge your progress.

  • Make adjustments to your goals as needed.

  • Keep going!


Life can throw surprises our way – both good and challenging. Regular check-ins help you adapt your plans to new circumstances, ensuring that your goals remain achievable.

They can also help you identify any potential problems early on, so you can take steps to address them before they become bigger issues.

For example, let's say you have a goal to save up for a down payment on a house. You've been working hard and saving money, but then you lose your job. This is a major setback, but it doesn't mean you have to give up on your goal. 

Instead, you can take some time to review your plan and make some adjustments. Maybe you can cut back on your expenses or find a part-time job to earn extra money until you find something better. By making these adjustments, you can still reach your goal, even though things have changed.

If you have a goal, it's important to make a plan and then regularly check in to see how you're doing. This will help you stay on track and reach your goal, even when life throws you curveballs.



It is easy to get caught up in the daily grind and lose sight of our long-term goals. We may find ourselves working long hours, taking care of our families, running errands, and before we know it, weeks or months have gone by and we haven't made any progress toward our goals. 

This is why it’s important to schedule regular check-ins with ourselves to reconnect with what truly matters and realign our actions with our priorities.

Reconnecting with our priorities is essential for long-term success. When we are clear about what matters the most, we are more likely to make choices that align with our goals. 

We are also more likely to be motivated and energized to take action.

So if you find yourself feeling lost or overwhelmed, take some time to reconnect with your priorities. It may just be the thing you need to get back on track.

Here are a few additional tips for reconnecting with your priorities:

  • Make a list of your top priorities.

  • Break down your goals into smaller, more manageable steps.

  • Set deadlines for yourself.

  • Track your progress and celebrate your successes.

  • Ask for help when you need it.

  • Be patient and persistent.


As you reflect on your achievements and evolving aspirations, you can set fresh goals for the upcoming quarter. This keeps your planner exciting and relevant.

Setting new goals is an important part of staying motivated and productive. When you reflect on your achievements and evolving aspirations, you can set fresh goals that are challenging but achievable. 

This will help you stay focused and motivated throughout the quarter. It is also important to make sure that your goals are relevant to your overall plan and that they are aligned with your values and priorities. This will help you stay on track and make progress towards your long-term goals.

Here are a few tips for setting effective goals:

  • Make sure your goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound.

  • Break down your goals into smaller, more manageable steps.

  • Track your progress and make adjustments as needed.

  • Celebrate your successes along the way.

  • Don't give up!

Your Quarterly Planner Check-in Checklist

Now, let's get practical. Here's a checklist for your quarterly planner check-ins:

  • Gather Your Supplies: All you need is your planner, some favorite pens, and perhaps a cozy corner to settle in.

  • Set the Mood: Light a candle, play some soothing tunes, or create an ambiance that makes this process enjoyable.

  • Review Your Goals: Go through the goals and plans you set at the beginning of the year or quarter. Note what you've achieved and what's still pending.

  • Assess Your Habits: Are the routines and habits you wanted to establish in place? If not, what's holding you back, and how can you overcome those obstacles?

  • Celebrate Your Wins: Take a moment to celebrate your successes. Write down your achievements, both big and small. You've earned it!

  • Adapt and Adjust: Consider any changes in your circumstances or priorities. What tweaks do you need to make to your plans to keep them relevant and achievable?

  • Set New Goals: Now, it's time to dream a little! What new goals or projects are you excited to pursue in the next quarter? Write them down and be specific.

  • Create a Visual Reminder: Create a vision board or write a  journal entry that captures your reflections, adaptations, and new goals. This visual reminder will keep you motivated.

I've created a printable for you to use during your quarterly planner check-ins. It's a simple but effective way to capture your thoughts and plans. 

Quarterly Planner Check-In: Keeping Your Goals on Track

Enter your email below to receive the free printable checklist.

Remember, planner check-ins aren't about perfection; they're about progress and adaptability. Embrace the journey, and let your planner be your trusted companion in navigating life's twists and turns.

Before You Go:

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Quarterly Planner Check-In: Keeping Your Goals on Track

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