4 Common Journaling Myths

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Journaling is on the rise, and a growing number of solopreneurs and others are finding it to be invaluable for getting the clarity and motivation needed to thrive.

However, misconceptions are still common, and breaking them can help you make the most of journaling.

Here are some common myths about journaling.

Journaling Takes Too Much Time 

Journaling is a time commitment, but many people overestimate both how much time it takes and how difficult it is to find the time needed to make journaling a regular habit.

If you have a morning routine, there’s a good chance you can spend a few minutes journaling while having a cup of coffee.

If you don’t have a morning routine, consider setting one up and making journaling a part of it.

If you spend any time on public transportation or waiting in lines, consider downloading a journaling app to pull up when you have a free moment.

Many people find journaling to be most effective right before bed. Consider using journaling as a way to unwind after a long day.

There is no right or wrong time to write in your journal. When you find yourself with an extra 5-10 minutes, pick up your pen. You’ll be surprised at how much you have to say!

I Don’t Have Anything to Write About

Journaling is a creative task, but don’t use the “I’m not creative” excuse to avoid regular journaling.

Think about some of the most basic journaling questions or techniques.

Consider a gratitude journal: What made you grateful during the day?

A surprise journal is also a great way to gain some perspective, so think through how your day went and what parts of it you found surprising. What made you laugh during the day?

Journaling is helpful for clarifying your aspirations and finding out how to meet them, so write about your dreams.


I’m Not Good at Writing or I Hate Writing

Your journal isn’t about showing off perfect grammar; it’s about speaking to yourself in an organized manner. You don’t even need to use complete sentences.

Consider starting up a bullet journal to improve your organization and track your days. These bullet lists are great as well for journaling. Think about starting up a list of your goals, dreams, or anything you want that you can update over time.

Finally, note that journaling doesn’t have to be done on paper. A simple voice memo app can let you journal through your smartphone’s microphone, letting you think through your day and record your thoughts.


There’s a Right and Wrong Way to Journal

Following a prescribed method of journaling can be great for getting started, and you may find a particular type of journaling is perfect for you.

However, any time you spend collecting your thoughts and committing them to paper is time well spent, and even scratching down a few notes you’re unlikely to read through again helps organize your thoughts and sets you up for future success. Find out what works for you’ll be on your way to journaling success!


Journaling is an invaluable habit, but many people are intimidated due to persistent myths and misconceptions. Above all, keep an open mind when it comes to journaling. You may be surprised how your attitude changes over time.



Now that I’ve convinced you of the benefits and ease of journaling, let me show you in more detail how journaling can significantly change your life.

My newest course, “Abundance Journaling! How to Write Your Dreams into Reality in Just Minutes a Day!” is a 4-lesson, self-study course is designed specifically for you to embrace journaling easily and learn how to incorporate this stress-reliever into your everyday life.

I’ll encourage you to embrace journaling, even if you have to use baby steps to get started. Click the link to learn more: ABUNDANCE JOURNALING

I hope today’s post inspires you to pick up your journal and start writing! Here are a few Everyday Journaling Prompts to get you started.

I’m so happy you stopped by today! Thanks, ❤️


Want to start journaling but now sure how? I have the perfect thing…

4 Common Myths about Journaling PIN 2.png

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